Thursday, April 9, 2009

How do YOU understand religion?

I grew up in a non-religious family and I never understood what it was because I didn't go to church or know who God was. As I grew up and moved to Utah I found out that people around me all went to church and called themselves 'Mormons'

Well, as I went to high school I learned about different people with different beliefs, other than the Mormon faith. I was surprised. I mean I was 14 and barely learning about different religions/beliefs.

I also learned about my culture. I am a full-blooded Navajo. My history teachers told me that the rituals that Native Americans had in their "ceremonies" was considered religious and emphasized their beliefs. I was very surprised because my family members did that. We used corn pollen for blessings, we talked about Father Sky and Mother Earth as creators of the world and how we have to respect animals. I understood that I was raised with the Navajo culture reflected some of the things I believed in. My mom also showed me morals and told me what was right, it added to what would be my future beliefs.

I have no current affiliation with an organized religion but I believe in something higher.

I think that religion in your own personal terms varies and it is based upon how you were raised and what you truly accepted to be the right way.

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that you say you grew up in a non-religious family, but then learned that your ceremonies were considered religious by outsiders. It goes back to what do you define as religion and the difference between organized religion and personal beliefs. I liked your post =)
