Sunday, May 3, 2009

Conceptual Blending and Analogy

I think the idea of using metaphors to interprete religious texts is very helpful.

We have talked in class about how it is easier to understand a text by relating it to your own life and I think that that is conceptual blending. You are thinking about two different situations or events and finding the similar qualities. You know in your mind that it isn't the same but somehow you are able to think they are just for the benefit of understanding. Or, when we try to interprete the historical context in the reading and even though we weren't there to understand what it is that was going on we are at least able to make an eduational guess by taking into account all of the different circumstances and why people acted the way they did.

The study of religion is very interesting because you learn about different cultures and religions while you are trying to grasp other ideas at the same time. When you learn about something different if you don't understand it at first its easier if you can relate it to something that you do understand. It makes studying easier and able to listen and grasp concepts easier.

I think that this kind of thinking is thinking IN and OUT of the box because, you fully engage yourself in someone's beliefs by listening and trying to understand but at the same time you are out of the box because you relate what you listen and learn to something completely different.


  1. I like your metaphor about thinking in and out of the box (very fitting for this blog topic). Conceptual blending allows us to relate things in our minds that otherwise would be very tricky to understand, and this blending is a tool that religion uses as well.

  2. I agree with Elise. Thinking in the bx allows us to see what certain religion thinks a metaphor means, and thinking outside the box lets us form our own oppinions. I have enjoyed the exploration of this throughout our class.

  3. I also agree with Elise's comment, and to follow-up on that idea I think you made the idea of Conceptual Blending very simple in this blog which is a good thing.
